Monday, November 24, 2014

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog #45

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 45

Hello and greetings from the Lakadaisies Farm.

It is so nice to be able to relax.  Nothing major on my plate until Thanksgiving, which is 4 days away. My nephew, Skip and his wife Janie have invited our family to their house. We are looking forward to having a wonderful time.

John and I just returned from Victoria, Texas. I gave a speech of sorts and taught some classes. They treated us just like family. We had such a wonderful time, we really hated to leave. Girls...I am sending you out a big hug and a huge thank you for making our stay so enjoyable.

Oh, and I want to thank everyone who came by our booth at The International Quilt Festival in Houston. I really appreciate your kind words and support. It was a wonderful show - we got to catch up with so many old friends and made so many new ones.

Carol (from Quilt Mania) came by and liked several of our new designs.  She wanted to visit my home and shop and maybe take a few pictures before the Houston show, but John wasn’t ready.  She said a few choice words to him in French and then gave us both a big hug.  John promised her that he would be ready next year. She picked out four designs to put in one of her magazines next year.  So, I am sending out a big thank you to Carol and all of her staff. You make my designs look so good and for that, I am thankful. Thank you for putting off our photo shoot..I will make sure John puts the Shop back together in time for the next one...

I decided to take the weekend off. I just sat around, sewed, cooked and watched football...John says I do that every day....but... I don’t. I hardly ever watch football. Today, it is back to the old grind. We have a long list of things to do. I am going to work on my workshop. Then, I will be able to give classes at home and work on my designs without taking over my entire house. John has to put the shop back together...He promised. So...he will do it...

Next up for the Road Warriors (Team Lakadaisies) - We are Southbound. South Florida to be specific. To be even more specific, Palm Beach in January. I haven’t been home in so long, I can hardly wait.  The Mancusco Brothers are hosting the World Quilt Show Florida VI, January 8-10 at the Palm Beach Convention Center. Here is a link for more info . I should have enough time to design a few things before the show.

From there I have a few days to get to GRAYTON BEACH FLORIDA.  My good friend Hannah (Hannah’s Quilts) and I have rented a large beach house and we still have a little room for a few friends.  I told you about it in my last blog.  From there we go straight to Jefferson Texas to show off our stuff at the 12th Annual, Jefferson Quilt Show ‘Quilts on the Bayou’, January 23-25, 2015. I can’t wait to see what Edris and Vickie and the other girls have cooked up.  It is always a wonderful show and they really know how to take care of their vendors.  Here is a link to their website .

Next up is our Retreat in Temple, Texas.  I know that I told you about it in my last blog, but again, I would like to invite you to come have some fun with us.

I am pretty sure that we will be at Puyallup, Washington-they wanted me to teach but I don’t think that John can handle the booth alone - it is always so busy there.  But, I am scheduled to give a few classes at Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. I will tell you more about that in my next blog.  Right now I have to get back to just sitting around and having fun.

Just remember to (as always) enjoy life  

Monday, October 13, 2014

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 44

Hello everyone from the farm.

Whew, we just got home after three shows in a row.  I would like to give a big “Thank You” to all of you who supported me at all three shows.  I felt a lot of love and I really appreciate it.  All the shows were busy.  We got to visit with so many old friends and made so many new ones.  Again, a big “Thank You” to all who have supported me through the years.

My schedule just gets better and better.  First, I would like to invite you to join us at the International Quilt Festival in Houston.  The show starts Wed.  Night Oct.  29th with a preview night and concludes on Sunday Nov.  2.  For more information, here is a link to the website; . Our booth number is 847.  I have several exciting new designs, and lots of vintage and hand-dyed wool.  As many of you may remember, last year, my index finger on my right hand was not functioning properly due to an untimely accident.  I am happy to report that all of fingers as of now, are OK.  Hopefully, John will not have to set up the booth like he did last year.  It was nice to see him work for a change, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.

After Houston, I will be giving workshops in Redwork Embroidery and Wool Applique for the members of the Victoria Texas Quilt Guild.  I think that the dates for that are Nov.  20 and 21st.  I am pretty sure that anyone can sign up, but I am not sure who is in charge.  I am sure that Janie can point you in the right direction.  Here is her email: 

I am also very excited about the Retreats that my friend Hannah (Hannah’s Quilts) and I are planning to host in 2015.  I will give you a little info and you can contact Hannah or I for more.

Florida just sounds so warm in January.  I can almost feel the the sand beween my toes. We have a great big beach house all to ourselves for a whole week in the Seaside area. We will not be giving classes at this retreat. We will be working on our own projects and Hannah and I will be available to help you with yours.  If you have purchased a kit from me or Hannah and maybe you just need a little nudge-bring it. 

And then, we have a whole weekend in Temple, Texas in February-Valentine’s Day Weekend-John recommends it as the perfect Vday gift-he should know.  He says that “at least it should be warmer than most of the rest of the USA/Canada”.  We would love for you to join us for a lot of good food, fun, and classes. I am giving classes on Redwork Embroidery, Wool Applique, and Rug Hookng. Hannah is going to teach a class showing everyone how to make a Wedge Wheel Quilt using Kaffe fabric.  And, my daughter Ginny is going to give classes on her bookfolding.

I almost forgot to tell you about the Autumn 2014 edition of Quiltmania’s Simply Vintage magazine.  Two of my designs are featured in it. Again, another big “Thank You” to Caroline and the whole staff at Quiltmania. I hope to have a few copies at Houston.

just remember always---enjoy life-------- ds

Monday, July 28, 2014

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 43

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 43

I have several things to share with you this time.  Magazines, Block of the Month, and Farm News.

I will start with the Farm News.  Well, John’s Garden has finally “got it going on” at least the Tomato part.  I don’t know how he does it, but we are starting to bake (100̊ or close) and his tomato plants look like they love it.  They are truly delicious and we finally have enough to give some away.  He always has too many and, to me, it is about time.  Here is a picture I took.
Yes, they are as good as they look.  He says that his squash is taking off and we will be enjoying it real soon.

Oh, and I just finished Block #2 of my Block of the Month Quilt.  I know that I just barely got it done “under the wire”(the first of the month), but I have been so busy with my new Santa Quilt that I did not want to stop.  (I will have pictures of Santa soon-a few hints- he is big and he is “good looking”) I thought that the BOM turned out well and here is a picture of it.
I think that it will work well as a stand alone item, but that will be up to you. Patterns are available directly from me for $12.00 plus tax/shipping.  Call or email me at

One more thing.  Two of my designs (Simple Pleasures and my Miniature Dandelion Quilt) are featured in the latest edition of Quilt Mania’s “Simply Vintage” Magazine.  It is truly a high quality magazine and I am proud that they like my work well enough to put it in their magazine.  I would like to take this opportunity to say “thank you” to everyone at Quilt Mania.  Here is a picture of it and they sent me a few extra copies, so if you cannot find one let me know.
Well, Santa and John are both calling me so GTG
---just remember always--- enjoy life--------ds

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog #42

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 42

Greetings from the Lakadaisies Farm. I have a lot to share with you this time.  A Retreat and a block of the month. Yes, I have decided to do a Block of the Month Quilt and have a Retreat.

Here is a picture of the first block.
Patterns are available now for $12.00 plus tax/shipping.  Email or call

My friend Hannah (of Hannah’s Quilts) and I are hosting a retreat, and we would like to invite you to attend. It will be on Valentine’s Day Weekend (Feb 12th – 15th, 2015 – sounds like a perfect Valentine’s Day Gift to me!). We are planning on having a few classes, a small merchant mall for your sewing needs, and mostly…a lot of FUN!

We found this wonderful venue that is all set up to handle 30 campers, and as many as 10 day-trippers. It is a little bit in the country, close to the city of Temple, Texas – not too far from the Lakadaisies Farm, and a few hours from Dallas, Austin, Houston, & San Antonio. It also has major airports nearby in Temple, Killeen, and Waco.

Hannah and I both love to cook, so we have decided to cook all of the meals We will only call in John if we really need him (he can flip a pretty mean Burger/BBQ etc.) Hannah’s store is in Chourdant, Louisiana, and she wears a chef’s apron that she got down in Lafayette, Louisiana (the Cajun capital of the world). I can smell that gumbo from here. I specialize in Tex-Mex, German, and Irish. So...come for the food if nothing else! But there is more...classes galore, and one-on-one advise/help from both Hannah and myself.

In my opinion, everyone needs more fun, so I will teach fun classes on Wool Applique, Redwork Embroidery, and Rug Hooking. Hannah will show you how to make a Wedge Wheel Quilt with a ruler using Kaffe Fabrics. These classes will be geared for everyone –from beginners to advanced level stitchers.

Oh, and my daughter Ginny has informed me that she will be available on Saturday to teach a book folding class. You may have seen some of her work in one of my booths or in Quiltmania’s Simply Vintage magazine. Here is a link to her website:

We would like to host retreats all over the US and Canada; we’re looking for a really great place in your part of the world. If anyone else has any suggestions, please let me know, or if you already have a group, we would love to work with you. Please email us for more information and join our emailing list, in our booth or online. We promise not to overwhelm you with emails – only when we have something important to say.

John & I have visited with so many people at our recent Quilt Shows that had wonderful suggestions that we are absolutely overwhelmed the problem is that have misplaced most of our notes. We would really appreciate it if you would please submit ideas again.

More information soon, so, as always, enjoy life     ds.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 41

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 41

Hello again from the coolest spot on earth-the Lakadaisies Farm. A breezy 78 , we got that nice rain. It is amazing, nearly instantly, everything is so pretty and green. Right now it is too wet to work outside, so I thought I will write another blog. The bad thing is, we are still in a bad drought.

John brought it to my attention that I promised two pictures of the "tiny dancers" so here is another.


They are so beautiful. I can’t decide whether I like them best in the winter when they still have light tan leaves that really stand out or when they are blooming. More research is required.

And while I am at it -here are a few pics of my booth at the AQS Quilt Show at Paducah Kentucky.

Oh, and by the way, I told you about our friend Hannah. Well, she is putting on a "retreat" next weekend ( May 15-18) close to Dallas. I will be helping her, and I think she still has some openings so contact me if you need more information.

So, as always, enjoy life ds.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 40

Hello from the coolest spot on earth-the Lakadaisies Farm. A breezy 96 , the sun is shining, and rain is on the way-we hope. We are still in a bad drought.

First, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support. Without it I know I could have never flown to the heights I have acheived. We had a wonderful show at Paducah Kentucky. We saw some wonderful old houses, for sale, that I just loved. Also, the Dogwood trees were in bloom. I have been watching them "dance" in the forest through the car window as we speed along the highway. They look like tiny dancers to me-little small trees dancing, surrounded by the large trees of the forest. I got John to stop the car, a lot.....all day.... so I could take pictures. Here are a couple

 Yes, Paducah Kentucky I might just move there if it just wasn’t quite so far north(cold). We really enjoyed the hospitality. It seems to be the norm now-we meet so many nice new friends and we get to catch up with so many old ones. I love it. 

Our friend Hannah, the owner of Hannah’s Quilts is recovering from her stay in the hospital. She gave us quite a scare but she is recuperating OK now. She assures that-SHE IS BACK-OR RATHER-SHE NEVER LEFT. She and I are planning on doing a "retreat" this upcoming winter in Florida.

Anyway, John has finally finalized our schedule. We have decided to vend at the upcoming Minnesota Quilters' Show and Conference which will be held at St. Cloud this year. The show dates this year are June 12-14, 2014. Here is a link to their website . From there we are going to Chicago again. The fine folks at Quilts Inc. are having a party and they are calling it The International Quilt Festival/Chicago. The show dates for it are June 19-21, 2014 and here is a link . That pretty much takes care of June. Not sure about July and August, but I am hoping to get the remodels done. Then in September, we will be at shows in Austin, and Springfield Missouri, and Longmont Colorado. I will let you know more when I know more.

Oh, and he has decided to remodel our store. I wanted to move the building to our backyard and use it for "workshops". That sounded like too much work to him so he is planning on opening the shop on some weekends or by appointment. The shop is located on the Lakadaisies Farm so he can walk to work everyday. And l am going to remodel the garage for my "workshops". We are taking a small break after Chicago to get these things done.

Right now, we are working on raised beds in our garden. And landscaping beds in the yard. We are using rocks. They are heavy. They were given to us by John’s cousin, "thank you Tom" . I keep singing "breakng rocks in the hot sun" . Everything is lookng pretty good. Oh, how lucky can you get-it is raining. That is great-we need the rain and I get to goof off.

So, as always, enjoy life ds.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog #39

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 39

Hello everyone from the farm.

I just get so caught up in everything. I am working on a new design and getting ready to go to Paducah, please do not lose patience with me. I know I promised more blogs, anyway... I will do a short one...because a promise is a promise.

The three shows we just did seem like a blur. John got sick on the way to Puyallup and I had to drive through LA. John was feeling good enough to navigate and we sailed right around. Driving through LA is one of my least favorite things and I am glad it is behind me. I got sick on the way home and didn’t even tell John to slow down once, in the mountains. Anyway, all the shows were so busy. We got to visit with so many old friends and made so many new ones. A big "Thank You" to all who have supported me through the years.

We got so far behind on orders from the three shows I kept looking for a place to hide, but Quinnie kept finding me. Now we are caught up-we just finished dyeing some wool for a lady in Washington. ...YES...all of the kits are shipped out-I even made a few extra for Paducah.

I haven’t had much time to think, but that did not keep me from churning out three new designs. Here is a picture of "Fireworks on the Fourth of July"
I started working on it right before Puyallup. Patterns and kits will be available at Paducah. I still have several designs in my head that I haven’t had time to get out. I will do something about that after Paducah. John is still screaming about the other new ones. I even talked him into doing kits for the last one. He hates it when I give him new ones right before a show. (such a good reason to do it and all the more fun for me)

And, I almost forgot to tell you about the latest edition of Quiltmania’s Simply Vintage magazine. The back cover looks pretty cool because it has one of my designs on it. Again, another big "Thank You" to Caroline and the whole staff at Quiltmania. Everybody is still talking about our "Catch a Falling Snowflake" design which recently graced the cover. I will have a few copies of both at Paducah.

Anyway, please join us at the AQS Quiltweek at Paducah, if you can. The show dates are Wed. April 23 through 26. Here is a link to their website; . We will be in the "Bubble" or the pavilion and our booth numbers are 4305 & 7. I have several new designs, and lots of vintage and hand-dyed wool and ribbon.

I haven’t had a whole lot of "me" time lately, so I talked John into buying me some tomatoes and peppers and squash to plant. He had to help me as I have the brownest of brown thumbs. I can almost taste those vine ripened sun kissed tomatoes already..and I bought grey pumpkin seeds. John has promised to not cut the water off again like he did the last time. He claimed that my pumpkins were "taking over" his garden-such a prima donna.

Right now, I have to go--see you in Paducah.

just remember always---enjoy life-------- ds

Monday, February 3, 2014

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 38

Down on the Lakadaisies Farm Blog # 38

Hello, I hope that the new year is a good one for all. I did not realize that it had been such a long time since I wrote a blog. I know I have made this promise before, but I really mean it this time and John said that he is ready to KMT(kick my tush).
                  I promise to write blogs more often.  

We just got back from Jefferson, Texas-it was fantastic. We felt so much love. Again, my hat goes off to the board of directors for the Jefferson Quilt Show. They do a whole lot of work and take on a lot of worry. Just because they love it.

Our quilt show buddies are in Phoenix, right between two shows, and we are at home fixing to watch the superbowl. I did get through with my new sampler coverlet, and here is a picture of it.

And, John made a trade with Ginny’s boyfriend, to do a new website. We are gonna make it real cool with neat wallpaper and pictures. The old one is open right now but we hope to have the new one done soon. Also, we are going to do a email newsletter. I heard John talk a customer into signing-up. He promised not to overwhelm her with a bunch of junk. You can sign -up now if you would like.

Well, he finally finalized our schedule-at least for the first part of the year. Next show for me is the 30th Anniversary of the Sewing and Stitchery Expo to be held at Puyallup, Washington. This year the show dates are Feb. 27, 28, Mar. 1, and 2. If you need more info, here is a link to their website: / .We loved it there last year and can’t wait to get back. John really liked the way it smelled up there last year. I don’t know what he is talkng about.

Next, it is back to Texas for the Quilt Celebration 2014 - "Modern Quilts", which is put on by the Quilt Guild of Dallas. The show dates are March 7 – 9, and here is a link to their website:  .

Then I get a couple of weeks to catch my breath and then we go to Beautiful Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, to join the fine folks there as A Mountain Quiltfest, celebrates it’s 20th year. The show dates are Mar. 19-22 and here is a link to their website Quiltfest

And, I am pretty sure that we will be at the American Quilt Society’s Quilt Week at Paducah, Kentucky 2014 April 23 – 26 for their 30th anniversary celebration. Here is a link to their website ;

Well, my finger is telling me to quit for a bit---so---just remember always---enjoy life--------ds

PS I had to stop and watch the game. I really like Peyton Manning but they got outplayed all over the field. Congratulations Seahawks...